A Magical View of Our New Shed!
As you are all aware we have been working hard to get a site and funding for our new shed. The fact that we are now sure of the site is a major step forward and we really have Trevor Richardson and Chris Hole to thank for that! Their major 3 years+ project ended when Shoalhaven City Council granted us a lease on the property at Frog Holla.
Now we have to work hard to acquire the funding needs for the construction of the new shed. We have submitted a DA to SCC and are now awaiting the final approval before we can ramp up our efforts for funding. In the meantime Trevor and Bruce have been hard at work to get the plans done. If you click on the link below and then on 'Milton Ulladulla Mens Shed you can take a virtual tour of our new site and shed.
Please let us know what you think?